October Roundup

Bananas for Apples! October was such a fun month of growing and learning for our little bananas! With the cooler temperatures, we began to focus on the changes that we see in fall, especially the produce that is harvested this time of year. We started with learning about apples! We began the study by. seeing how we can describe apples and noticing their different features. We talked about the different colors of apples, where apples grow, and the apple life cycle. The following week we focused more on how we use apples. We did a taste test of green, yellow, and red apples and students chose which one they liked the best. We did an apple investigation by cutting open an apple and seeing what was inside. The students loved seeing the star on the inside of the apples and counting how many seeds were inside. We wrapped up our apple-icous learning by making and eating all things apple! We made applesauce and got to use Miss Susan's special apple machine that cored, peeled, and s...