September Summary

September Wrap-Up! I cannot believe that the month of September is gone and we have been in school for a month! These kiddos have been doing amazing things at school and I can't wait to tell you all that we've been up to! I've also had a few people ask me for another link to our Amazon Wishlist so you can find that here: And many thanks to those who have so generously already donated from it! The first couple of weeks in school we focused on routines and expectations at school; how to use the materials, appropriate behavior on the playground, and to clean up after ourselves. These are things we need to do every day so we have to make sure that we are doing them correctly! As the materials that went home outlined, we also made sure to talk about our feelings and how they fit in The Zones of Regulation. That has really helped give us language to talk to the kids when they are upset and help them problem so...