September Summary

September Wrap-Up!

I cannot believe that the month of September is gone and we have been in school for a month! These kiddos have been doing amazing things at school and I can't wait to tell you all that we've been up to!  I've also had a few people ask me for another link to our Amazon Wishlist so you can find that here:
And many thanks to those who have so generously already donated from it! 

The first couple of weeks in school we focused on routines and expectations at school; how to use the materials, appropriate behavior on the playground, and to clean up after ourselves. These are things we need to do every day so we have to make sure that we are doing them correctly! As the materials that went home outlined, we also made sure to talk about our feelings and how they fit in The Zones of Regulation. That has really helped give us language to talk to the kids when they are upset and help them problem solve. For example if the kids are really hyper during large group instruction, I may say, "It looks like your body is in the yellow zone, let's take some deep breaths so we can get back to the green zone." We now do a Zones 'check-in' multiple times throughout the day! 

The curriculum we use: Teaching Strategies Gold set up a great unit for the beginning of the school year and so we have been following that as well. We have talked about when we do things at school, the rules we have at school, and who works at our school. Last week we got to have some 'special visitors' in our room! Ms. Robin and Ms. Jenn both came in and told us all about their jobs and how they help at our school. We also went on a hunt for the Gingerbread Man and met a lot of great grown-ups that have very important jobs at our school!
Modeling appropriate behavior in our library

Counting bears on the bus in our small group activity

Bellamy is practicing our daily sign-in procedure

We've also been busy at work learning different math skills, practicing spelling our names, and learning the letters of the alphabet with our Letterland curriculum! We are making sure to incorporate all of this into our everyday play so that the students are drawn to these opportunities and look forward to the chance to engage with the materials. And thank you to each of you for sending the letter bags in each week-the kids ask almost everyday when they get to share them. We have learned letters A, L, and E so far. If you click on the letters below, it will show you the stories and songs that we work with all week long. You can use this to help your child learn their letters and sounds at home as well. 

This week we will continue our learning and talk about how to make and keep friends. This is not a skill that comes naturally so it's our job as teachers and parents to show them the best way to treat those around us. Looking forward, we will also start our study of trees and start talking all things FALL! Below are some pictures of our students learning all throughout the school day. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! 


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